What are groups?

Groups make it easy to email the right people and manage access to files at Oak Grove Scouting. Email sent to a group is received by that group's members—see the Directory. Sharing files with groups instead of people simplifies changes in personnel.

What groups am I in?

 Visit: groups.google.com

How do I join a group?

Ask someone already in a group to add you as a member. See: Add people to your group - Google Groups Help

How do I leave a group?

See: Leave a group - Google Groups Help

I still have a question

Email: technology@oakgrovescouting.org

How can I send from a group email address?

For "Name", use your role (such as "Committee Chair ST77"), not your name
For "SMTP Server", use "smtp.gmail.com"; for "Username", use your Google Account. If your password fails, use an app password
Create a default signature for your "send as" email address